Exploring an online community idea at Daniel’s Place


Alexandra Venegas, Daniel’s Place Volunteer
Alexandra Venegas, Volunteer Daniel’s Place

Daniel’s Place volunteer Alex Venegas is facilitating the envisioning, creation, and establishment of a virtual community and social media presence run by members of Daniel’s Place.

“The idea is to possibly create a virtual support network available to all young adults experiencing a mental health issue.” said Venegas. With a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology, Venegas currently is a Research Associate at the UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs . “The members of Daniel’s Place understand the power of the digital age and want to connect with other young adults to share their experience, strength, and hope. “

A focus group will be held on May 14th at Daniel’s Place to explore an online community project.

“We are fortunate to have Alex volunteer her time and talent for this exciting project.” said Kimberly Low, Program Manager at Daniel’s Place. “I’m excited about the possibilities a virtual Daniel’s Place community presents for bringing recovery services to more young adults experiencing a mental health issue. A diagnosis is not a destiny!”

For more info on Daniel’s Place: www.danielsplace.org or DP@stepuponsecond.org


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