Home for the Holidays: Jerry’s Story

Step Up helped me change my life. When they handed me the keys that turned everything around. I was able to get my son back.” 

For most of his adult life Jerry struggled with untreated substance use and mental health disorders. Using drugs and alcohol helped take the edge off but left him chronically homeless in the Inland Empire.  

“I was convinced that I was un-help-able,” said Jerry. “I had tried so many times to find recovery, but nothing ever worked. I thought nothing could help me.”  

Jerry had nearly given up when found out his son had been taken by CPA.  

“That was the moment I knew I needed to change,” said Jerry. “My son needed me and I couldn’t lose him. I committed to my recovery 100%.”  

Jerry’s story is not uncommon. Each year thousands of people experience homelessness. While each person’s journey is different, one thing remains the same – every person deserves access to safe and affordable housing.   

Today, Jerry is thriving. He was connected to Step Up’s permanent supportive housing after completing an inpatient rehabilitation program. With his new housing in the heart of Redlands, Jerry was able to build a strong foundation in his recovery and just importantly, get his son back.  

Your support will help provide housing, hope, and healing to more people like Jerry who are who are experiencing chronic homelessness and serious mental illness. Your gift will transform lives. 

Jerry’s story of recovery is made possible in part thanks to the programs and services supported by people like you. To help bring more individuals like Jerry and his son, make a donation today